The Leibster Award

A few days weeks ago I got this lovely award from Mummy Flying Solo. Her blog is down to earth, witty, it’s a bit like sitting down with a cuppa and chatting to an old friend…I find her posts easy to read and understand even if they are long (long blog posts often have me scanning by the 3rd paragraph, but not with MFS!). So, I’m honoured and touched that she should bestow this upon me! Thanks lady!

1. Winter or summer? SUMMER: watermelon, beach, open toe shoes, a smattering of freckles..what’s not to like?

2. What is your specialty meal? The one you cook to impress. HMMMM…I do cook a good chicken/squash risotto (it’s all in the stock).

3. Do you clean your teeth twice per day AND floss? Yep, especially since I became a proper adult and spent a silly amount at the dentist in the last few years. Clean at least 3 times, floss twice, interdental brush once. I kid you not.

4. Have you ever tried meditation? Yes, I don’t do it regularly, never have, but I go through phases where I wake up early and do some yoga and meditation before the house wakes up (not since blogging…!). I try to focus on the now as many times as I can each day and be mindful.

5. What do you read to keep your brain active? Blogs, parenting books, self-help books, magazines (The Green Parent is a fave).

6. What is your favourite book of all time? The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle really changed my life, as did old school self-help You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay. Novels, so many…Siri Hustvedt’s What I loved, Luke Rhinehart’s The Diceman, anything by Isabel Allende, Maya Angelou, I also really like many of Anita Schreve’s books as well.

7. If you could be stuck in a lift with someone who would it be? My oldest and dearest friend Erica, who I dreamed of last night, funnily enough! I would happily be stuck in a lift with her just to spend some quality time chatting with no kids yapping at my feet. She has had the patience of a saint since I had kids (over 7 years!!) having to share every conversation with a baby/toddler in tow.

8. Favourite new song released this year? Hahahahahah, gone are the days of knowing new songs released. I like Adele though.

9. Best ever holiday? All the ones I’ve had in Greece. I’m half Greek and though I grew up in the UK, I had endless long, hot, summers. As a kid snorkeling, as a teen clubbing, as an adult sunbathing and reading, and as a parent playing and splashing with my kids at our island home. I’m very, very, very lucky.

10. The gift you enjoyed giving the most. Giving my son his bikes, both times! Classic kid gift, classic family moment.

11. Do you tell your kids about Santa Claus (or will you if you don’t yet have kids)? I have gone along with the whole santa thing, leaving a mince-pie, carrot and sherry, the lot. The deal is I won’t lie if they really insist on questioning it though, so boychild at 7 knows…but girlchild still believes. Got to keep some magic in their lives!

Now I nominate 5 blogs that I like (the bit I like reading the most on award blog posts).

Thegratitudenist :apt, inspiring, level.

Mentalmom02:funny, pithy, strong.

themmmmmfamily :Warm, uplifting, balancing.

thefortunateartist:creative, thoughtful, interesting

theleakingboob:funny, versatile, opinionated (a good thing!)

Now my 10 questions.

1) Sex or sleep?

2) Last book you read and enjoyed?

3) Last blog post that made you LOL.

4) Best cooking blog/website.

5) Do you recycle? Why/why not?

6) Last meal you made that everyone in the family actually ate.

7) Fave food!

8) Chocolate: white, dark or milk?

9) Inspiring female role model.

10) Inspiring male role model.

The Leibster Award

9 thoughts on “The Leibster Award

    1. Lol. It’s a gem. Don’t know why I haven’t gone on to read more of her stuff though, must do. I feel just right to get into a new novel right now and have just picked up a scuffed up copy of graham swifts water land that’s been in my bookshelf for yonks. Gonna get to it this week.


  1. Mamacita, thank you so much, wow the Leibster! Woop woop!
    Love your answers, I’d choose my best friend to be stuck in a lift with too and if we had a bottle or two of cava then even better! I haven’t read any of your book choices so will look forward to that.
    Thank you again for the nomination and well done to you too, its so well deserved 🙂


  2. Thank you so much for the Leibster and congratulations to you. I also love The Power of Now and I’m curious about your chicken/squash risotto. Sounds delicious! I love reading your blog and I tend to “read” it in a British accent. 🙂 Keep up the good blogging work!


    1. Yes well I have got a very British accent. Haha.

      Squash and chicken risotto is v easy. In olive oil Sauté onion and when transluscent, add cubed chicken, transfer it to a bowl to wait when the chicken is just cooked all way through but still soft. Cook cubed squash until tender, drain (you can add this water to stock water) and chuck it in the bowl with chicken to wait.

      Then in same pan (doesn’t matter if still has bits of onion) add plenty more olive oil amd plenty of chopped garlic, sauté then add risotto (arborio or round) rice and get it coated in oil. Then add the stock (which needs to be hot, so have it in another pan on stove), and white wine if you like, a bay leaf, and every time it dries up, add some more.

      (Btw the better the stock, the Better risotto)

      When it has taken quite a bit of stock (10 mins a least) taste it. You want to stop adding stock when it’s mostly tender but with a definite bite in the middle of the grain…why…because it goes on cooking until its served, this way you avoid risotto mush, I learned this trick from a friend and ever since my risottos have been spot on.

      When you get to this, you can add a dash of cream to your risotto (Italians would probably boo me for this…) and the onion/chicken/squash. Fold it all in. Serve with Parmesan, black pepper, last dash of olive oil and a chunk of crusty bread and green salad for the effect combo!

      Quantities you will have to judge….it’s fine heated up next day for leftovers. Actually, once you “get it” with risotto you can mix and match ingredients, chicken mushroom is nice, or a totally veg one. Fish and peas works too, with plenty of fresh lemon squeezed on top and parsley.

      Mmmmm, im getting hungry! Lmk how it goes!!!


      1. Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to write down the recipe. This sounds delicious. I am going to make it this week. Can’t wait! I’ll let you know how mine turns out. I, too, am now really, really hungry and wish it was already made. 🙂


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